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Why this Orlando homebuilder is investing in solar panels

by DeVore Design, February 8, 2016

Meritage Homes made a deal with solar panel manufacturer SunPower Corp. to feature the panels on all of the homes it builds in Orlando, and the reason behind the deal makes pretty good business sense for both companies.

“It helps us differentiate ourselves as a better builder, and for SunPower, it starts helping people understand, at all price levels, that they can have solar power in their homes,” C.R. Herro, Meritage Homes’ vice president of environmental affairs told the Orlando Business Journal .

The Orlando division of the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based homebuilder made the deal with San Jose, Calif.-based SunPower on Dec. 21. There are additional costs for the buyer for the 2.5-kilowatt solar panel system, which is about six panels valued at $9,050, but Herro said home buyers can purchase additional panels.

Meritage has been challenging itself on how to make homes more energy efficient and saw solar panels as a route, but also realized that more home buyers are interested in environmentally friendly measures, meaning the deal could net them more customers to build more homes in 2016.

“We understand that people want to choose the best home, and we understand that renewable energy has finally gotten to the point where it makes sense,” Herro said. “It’s not a political statement, it’s not about being an early adapter of technology. It’s about getting money back.”

For more details about solar panel technology and Meritage Homes, check out its website.