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Lake wants home rule over fracking

Lake wants home rule over fracking

by DeVore Design, January 8, 2016

Lake County commissioners on Tuesday opposed state legislation that would take away the county’s ability to regulate fracking.

However, the commission did not go far enough to support a statewide ban on the practice.

Commissioner Leslie Campione expressed reservations about joining numerous other counties in supporting the ban on fracking because she said there is no evidence of oil or natural gas deposits in Lake County.

“I have an issue with adopting something that can’t be done to begin with,” she said. “I think we we’re being asked to do this to draw us into the bigger national debate. Because there are so few places in Florida where you could even do fracking. I am not willing to be pulled into that.”

Campione added she has seen the positive impacts of fracking in some parts of the country. But at the same time, she said it would not be the right fit for Lake County.

Hydraulic fracturing “consists of using fluid and material to create or restore fractures in a rock formation to stimulate production,” according to the House of Representatives staff analysis of the bill.

“The method extracts natural gas and oil otherwise unreachable with conventional technologies from underground rock formations … and (involves) the use of chemicals and hazardous materials during construction, drilling, fracturing, gas productions, and delivery and storage operations,” according to the resolution.

Commissioner Jimmy Conner noted the two resolutions contradicted each other.

“It is not intellectually honest if you are for local control and then tell other counties what they are supposed to do,” he said.

Several environmentalists and residents spoke out against fracking at the meeting.

Daniel Osborn, a member of the Lake Soil & Water Conservation District, said fracking would not improve the quality of life for citizens of Lake County.

And Dave Koller, a resident, also voiced his concerns about the practice.

“I think it is irresponsible for the community to allow fracking in the state,” he said. “It is the most responsible thing for the future generations of our children to come out and say we will not allow our land to be exploited for financial gain.”

Commissioners passed a resolution in opposition to Florida House Bill 191, stating “the regulation of hydraulic fracturing should be reserved to local government.”

Commissioner Welton Cadwell, who drafted the resolutions, said after the meeting he was disappointed in the vote. He had pushed for the commission to support a statewide ban on the issue.

While also expressing reservations to fracking, Commission Chairman Sean Parks said he hopes the commission will consider editing the resolution to include a clause banning the practice in Lake County.